Pruning Bobo and Little Lamb Hydrangea: The Perfect Compact Panicle Varieties

Pruning Bobo and Little Lamb Hydrangea: The Perfect Compact Panicle Varieties
Little Lamb Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata 'Little Lamb'

If you are looking for an excellent compact panicle hydrangea variety, BoBo and Little Lamb Hydrangea are great options.  Both shrubs are loaded with white blooms that fade to pink in late summer into fall, and they add interest to the landscape year-round. In the winter, you can leave the spent flower heads on to add color and texture. In the spring, prune back the spent blooms and tips of the stems using a pruners or hedge shears. This will keep your Hydrangeas looking neat and tidy, while encouraging new leaf growth and blooms.

  • Bobo is the more compact variety reaching 2-3 feet
  • Little Lamb will reach 4-5 feet
  • Both will grow in full sun to part shade

Click play for a video on spring pruning for these great Hydrangeas.

Thanks for reading!  I hope this has been helpful.  Have a great day!